2013年12月21日 星期六

[情報] 爐石戰記測試賽季1結束提醒(Hearthstone Test Season 1 End Reminder)

Thank you for helping us test our very first Ranked Play season! This season is intended to conclude on January 2nd, so be sure to wrap up your climb up the ladder before that date. Once the season is over, everyone’s ranking will be reset back to Rank 25, and Test Season 2 will begin!

During the course of this first test season we’ve gotten some very valuable feedback and data from you regarding the new Ranked Play system. We greatly appreciate your efforts in helping us test this updated Play mode, and we look forward to seeing your future feedback in Test Season 2. In the future, once the Test Seasons have concluded, we look forward to adding our Ranked Play rewards: Alternate card backs and Golden Heroes. We can’t move on without your help! 

Be sure to continue reporting bugs on our Bug Report forum here, and give us your feedback on Ranked Play mode on our general discussion forum here. 

Thank you for helping us test Ranked Play mode!


1) 可替換的卡背
2) 金色的英雄肖像(目前消息是單一英雄500勝, 可以獲得)

來源: 官網