2013年12月12日 星期四

[情報] 藍帖: 封測版本1.0.0.4217已知問題(Closed Beta Patch Known Issues)

We have identified two known issues with this most recent content update that we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of:

  • When finishing an Arena run, if the client is closed while on the rewards screen, an issue may occur that would prevent this account from starting any new Arena runs.
  • Minions that give Health buffs such as Blood Imp and Stormwind Champion may provide an inaccurate amount of Health bonus in certain situations.

We are working to resolve both of these issues as soon as possible, and will provide further updates when we have them.

For other known issues, please check this thread.

1) 當競技場賽程結束, 如果在獎勵畫面下, 關閉客戶端, 可能會無法進行新的競技場賽程.

2) 給予血量增益(Buff)的手下, 如: 血之小鬼(Blood Imp)或暴風城勇士(Stormwind Champion), 在特定情況下, 可能會提供不正確的血量增益.

來源: 官網

2013/12/13 第二項bug已經修復!