2013年10月31日 星期四

[情報] 基本牌金卡獎勵問題 – 牧師/術士(Golden Basic Card Reward Issue – Priest/Warlock)

Along with today’s maintenance, we addressed an issue where incorrect Golden Basic cards were awarded for leveling to 20 as a Priest or Warlock. 

[閒聊] 台服牧師宗師殘念(One Step Away From Priest GrandMaster in Asia)

10/31 台服牧師宗師殘念(8-1) - 伺服器斷線, 強迫獲得第九勝...
本來想強調沒有精神控制(Mind Control)的牧師一樣OP  被伺服器壞了我的好事...可惡

2013年10月30日 星期三

[情報] 旅館老闆邀請賽:玩家精選(續)(Hearthstone™ Innkeeper's Invitational: Player Spotlight Continued)

BlizzCon 和爐石旅館老闆邀請賽很快就要展開啦!今天的部落格文章將會繼續介紹受邀選手,讓各位更深刻感受比賽的氣氛。

[情報] 旅館老闆邀請賽:玩家精選(Hearthstone Innkeeper's Invitational: Player Spotlight)

隨著 BlizzCon 和爐石旅館老闆邀請賽腳步漸漸接近,我們花了些時間和受邀選手聊了一會兒,稍微瞭解一下他們是什麼來歷。在邀請賽公告裡,我們精心挑選 8 位選手應邀參加這個在 BlizzCon 舉行的有趣比賽:包括 Noxious、Hafu、Husky、Reckful、Trump、Kripparian、Day[9] 和 Artosis。在今天的部落格文章中,我們介紹其中 4 位選手,之後將會介紹剩下的 4 位選手。如果你還沒決定自己支持的對象,請和我們一起讀下去,看看他們在競技場裡的構思,並和自己作比較,還可以瞭解他們最喜愛的卡牌,以及他們在 BlizzCon 中最尊敬的對手!

[情報] 《爐石戰記》套牌組建指南(Helpful Hearthstone Deck Building Hints)


[情報] 爐石戰記旅館老闆邀請賽: 選手介紹續篇(Hearthstone™ Innkeeper's Invitational: Player Spotlight Continued)

BlizzCon® and the Hearthstone™ Innkeeper’s Invitational tournament are both coming up very soon! We continue our inn-vitees featurettes in today’s blog post for your reading pleasure so you can get to know the competitors in the tournament.  

[情報] 《爐石戰記》封測註冊公告(Hearthstone Beta Test Opt-In Update)

我們收到非常多想要參加《爐石戰記》封測的請求 - 遠超乎於我們想像!封測序號主要會發送給自官網註冊封測需求的玩家,此外,我們也提供了額外的封測序號給支持我們的友好網站、媒體、部落客以及直播主,讓大家知道更多關於《爐石戰記》有趣的內容。然而,我們了解還有很多玩家正在等待嘗試這款遊戲,我們知道等待可能會讓你感到有點沮喪,我們非常感謝你們的耐心。

2013年10月29日 星期二

[情報] 爐石殘局第 3 回:跳脫界線(Puzzles and Hearthstones 3: Thinking Outside the Box)

爐石殘局又來囉!我們今天準備了三場殘局,你能獲得近在眼前的勝利嗎? 為了測試你善用資源的能力,除了簡易和中等殘局外,我們也設計了一個以難度為 10/10 法力水晶的專家殘局!你,會成為制霸爐石殘局的英雄,還是智窮力竭的殘兵呢?

2013年10月26日 星期六

[情報] 爐石戰記解謎3: 跳出窠臼(Puzzles and Hearthstones 3: Thinking Outside the Box)

The Hearthstone puzzles keep on coming! Today, we have three new puzzles for you to solve when the win is within your grasp! To put your deductive skills to the test, there’s an easy test, a medium difficulty, and an expert level puzzle we can only classify as 5/5 Mana Crystals on the difficulty scale. Think you have what it takes to take on these Puzzles and Hearthstone brain teasers, or will your brain suffer from a bad case of Overload?

2013年10月25日 星期五

[閒聊] 台服法師競技場大師之路(My Mage's Road to Master in Asia)

沒有火球術(Fireball) 炎爆術(Pyroblast)

[情報] 納特•帕格的問題(Bug of Nat Pagle)

I've recorded my results with Nat Pagle thus far, and come to the conclusion that he is definitely not working as intended, based on statistical analysis.

[情報] 封測已知問題(Closed Beta Known Issues - Updated 10/24/13)

Hello everyone, and welcome to Hearthstone Closed Beta!!! Below you will find the Known Issues list for. Please do not report bugs that you see on this list, as we already know about them, and help out other players reporting bugs by referring them to this list.

2013年10月24日 星期四

[情報] Battle.net 推出多種全新付費管道(Multi-Channel Payment in Battle.net)

我們很高興宣布,繼前一陣子推出PayPal 後,即日起,我們將提供玩家更多付費及儲值管道,讓玩家不用出門買卡,也能在線上購買Blizzard 相關的遊戲及服務。

[閒聊] 中國服爐石媒體啟動碼被遊戲編輯掛淘寶(China's Hearthstone Beta Key was sold in TaoBao by media website editor)

中國內部最大2個門戶網站的編輯把激活碼(網民戲稱 "雞和馬")拿去掛淘寶了

[情報] 爐石戰記建立套牌的小訣竅(Helpful Hearthstone Deck Building Hints)

Building decks for use in Play mode can be a very satisfying process. From coming up with your unique deck concept to playtesting it and tweaking it to perfection, constructed play is a great way to test your overall skill and knowledge of the game. Many of our Hearthstone fansites have contributed their insights on deckbuilding to this blog, to help you along the way to building a deck of your own that’s fun to play for the class of your choice. The links and summaries below are all to be taken as helpful guides, not the end-all be-all of Hearthstone deck creation. So take some time to read the guides, pick out a few new ideas that appeal to you, and then dive in to building a deck of your very own!

2013年10月23日 星期三

[情報] 爐石戰記旅館老闆邀請賽: 選手介紹(Hearthstone Innkeeper's Invitational: Player Spotlight)

As we get closer to BlizzCon and the Hearthstone Innkeeper’s Invitational tournament, we took some time to talk with our Inn-vitees to get to know them a little better.  In our Invitational announcement, we featured the eight players invited to participate in this fun tournament at BlizzCon: Noxious, Hafu, Husky, Reckful, Trump, Kripparrian, Day[9], and Artosis. In today’s blog post, we profile four of the eight players in the tournament, and we’ll profile the last four in a future blog. If you’re unsure of who to root for in the tournament, read on and see if some of their Arena picks line up with yours, what their favorite cards are, and who they dread going up against live at BlizzCon!

2013年10月21日 星期一

[情報] 《爐石戰記》封測更新檔1.0.0.3937(Hearthstone Closed Beta Patch Notes –


2013年10月20日 星期日

[情報] 「戰鬥狂怒」分解調整說明(Battle Rage Disenchant Adjustment)

With today's patch, some changes were made to Battle Rage that will now cause the card to function differently then how it did before the patch.

2013年10月18日 星期五

[閒聊] 台服競技場聖騎宗師之路(My Paladin's Road to GrandMaster in Asia)



[情報] 爐石戰記封測更新 – Closed Beta Patch Notes –

Today is patch day! This patch contains several quality of life improvements, as well as additional bug fixes. We’ve also tuned one card during this patch, Battle Rage, as noted below. Read on to check out the full patch notes.

2013年10月15日 星期二

[抽獎] 爐石戰記封測啟動碼(Roll the Dice: Hearthstone Closed-Beta Key)


[情報] 《爐石戰記》英雄:獵人雷克薩(Rexxar, the Hunter)

你想要在對手身上留下點「印記」嗎?如果你是這種玩家,那麼雷克薩 (Rexxar)或許已經引起了你的注意。如果你想對敵人萬箭齊發、設下致命陷阱或放出狂怒猛獸,《爐石戰記》的獵人就是你的目標英雄。

[情報] 爐石戰記社群:封測戰鼓敲響(Hearthstone Community: Closed-Beta Drums Sounded)


2013年10月12日 星期六

[情報] BlizzCon® 線上商城今起至 11 月 9 日限量開賣(BlizzCon® Store Online Sale Open Now Through November 9)

今年的BlizzCon 線上商城 開跑囉!這項商城服務只開放給 BlizzCon 參加者和虛擬門票購買者,活動持續至 11 月 9 日商展結束時止。商城將供應一些你從沒見過的史詩戰利品,以及 BlizzCons 過去以來最受歡迎的項目。請記得,限量是殘酷的!如果你無法親自參加,或是尚未購買虛擬門票,你也可以現在訂購,儘早把握搶購 BlizzCon 酷炫商品的機會!

2013年10月9日 星期三

[情報] 誠聘勇者:助理網頁設計師 (Career Opportunity: Associate Web Designer)



[閒聊] 爐石戰記 - 聖騎競技場宗師之路(My Paladin's Road to GrandMaster in Arena)

第八勝 一血逆轉 只有爽!!!
第九勝後面拿警報機器人(Alarm-o-Bot)賭運氣都賭輸  不過還好沒被逆轉XD

2013年10月7日 星期一

[情報] 來了、來了!《爐石戰記》台灣封測就要開始了!(Coming Soon! Hearthstone Closed-Beta in Taiwan!)


[閒聊] 暴雪嘉年華爐石戰記邀請賽(BlizzCon Hearthstone Tournament)

出現"BlizzCon Practice Day 1"之類的標題

[閒聊] 爐石戰記 - 競技場法師宗師套牌(GrandMaster Mage Deck in Arena)



2013年10月6日 星期日

[閒聊] 爐石戰記 - 獵人競技場宗師之路(My Hunter's Road to GrandMaster in Arena)



[閒聊] 競技場九勝獎勵(Rewards of 9 wins in Arena)



2013年10月3日 星期四

[情報] 新每日任務(New Daily Quests)

僅供參考, 請以實際情況為準:

Druid or Hunter Victory
Win 2 games with Druid or Hunter.
40 Gold

[情報] 爐石戰記封測更新說明(Hearthstone Closed Beta Patch Notes)

Today is the day for our Hearthstone Closed Beta patch! This patch also includes the account wipe, so when the servers are available for play once more, you’ll be starting again as if you were a new player. For more information on the wipe itself, please revisit our Account Wipe Incoming blog post,found here. Now, onto the patch notes!

2013年10月2日 星期三

[情報] BlizzCon遊戲福袋!(BlizzCon In-Game Goodies!)


Blizzcon 福袋來囉!不管你是親臨現場,或是從家裡透過虛擬門票進行觀賞,我們都準備了超讚的BlizzCon 限定禮物要送給你,有一拖拉庫那麼多喔!這次包含了《魔獸世界》、《星海爭霸II》、《暗黑破壞神III》和即將上市的《爐石戰記:魔獸英雄傳》四款不同遊戲的好康喔!


[情報] 明天封測更新(Beta Patch Tomorrow)

The Hearthstone closed beta test for the North American region will be down for maintenance on October 2nd, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM PDT. The Hearthstone closed beta test for the European region will be down for maintenance on October 2nd, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM PDT. 

[閒聊] 爐石戰記 - 鑽石法師(Diamond Mage)


2013年10月1日 星期二

[情報] 爐石戰記定期維修(Hearthstone Scheduled Maintenance)

We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Tuesday, October 1, at 5:00 AM PDT and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 11:00 AM PDT. 

[情報] 爐石戰記封測更新 - 主要更新內容(Closed Beta Patch – Featured Updates)

In our previous blog, we covered some of the nitty-gritty facts about the wipe and what exactly it entails. It’s an exciting time for the Hearthstone team, since this wipe will coincide with our first major closed beta patch for both the Americas and Europe regions. Our update covers a wealth of bug fixes and quality of life improvement within Hearthstone, and today we’ll be sharing some of the highlights of this upcoming patch. Many of these changes are based on feedback that you, our valued community, provided to us on the forums.