2013年7月8日 星期一

[情報] 爐石戰記:旅館老闆語音(Innkeeper Voiceovers)

僅供參考, 請以實際情況為準:

You can unlock new heroes in practice mode.

Oh! you reach the new rank, each time you do you earn a powerful expert pack.
哦! 你達成新的排名, 每一次你都會賺到一個強大的專家卡片包.

Each classes have five different basic cards you can unlock as you play with them.
每一個職業都有5張不同基本卡可以解鎖, 當你使用他們比賽的時候.

You can challenge a friend to a game even if he is offline.
你可以挑戰遊戲的朋友, 即使他是離線的.

P.S: 有仇報仇 有冤報冤 無冤無仇練拳頭

Put your chair by the hearth!

You earned the maximum amount of expert packs this week.

P.S: 不知道是哪個模式每週能獲取的專家卡片包數量是固定的. 

來源: HearthPwn