2014年1月17日 星期五

[情報] 封測版本1.0.0.4458已知問題(Closed Beta Patch Known Issues)

We have identified two known issues with this most recent content update that we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of:
  • There is an issue that may sometimes prevent a player from cancelling a quest, or when cancelling a quest, not replacing the cancelled quest with a replacement.
  • Players may experience some delays and unresponsiveness when accessing their card collection, decks, and when disenchanting cards. After creating or editing a deck, please try waiting a few minutes or restarting the Hearthstone client to check if the issue persists.
  • We are aware that the issue with minions arbitrarily swapping places with other minions on the board has appeared to become more prevalent with the recent patch. This issue is one of our top priorities to resolve as soon as possible, but unfortunately has been extremely complex to fully resolve. We will provide additional updates once more information becomes available.

For other known issues, please check this thread.

1) 每日任務按X後, 有可能會失去任務
2) 進入牌庫, 編輯套牌或是分解卡片, 可能會延遲或是沒有反應.
3) 手下任意變換位置更加嚴重, 這是目前最迫切需要處理,

如果有更多消息, 我們會持續更新.

來源: 官網