2013年9月12日 星期四

[情報] 爐石戰記藍帖:精靈龍 & 範圍傷害目標說明澄清(Faerie Dragon & AOE Targeting Clarification)

Last night, I was up against a rogue and played a Faerie Dragon turn 2 thinking he clearly can't kill it with his hero power. He then powered up his dagger and deadly poisoned to ping it off. Is this not clearly a mistake? If the ability text says 'Cannot be targeted by spells or hero powers' should this not include the Rogue's dagger?

The Faerie Dragon doesn't single out Rogues. In reality, the only two heroes the Dragon's ability affects are Jaina and Anduin. Uther's summoned minion can still attack the dragon, Garrosh's Armor Up can still prevent its damage, Thrall's totems can still attack it, Malfurion can still shapeshift and attack it, and so on. It's neither a bug nor an oversight. 

To say that Jaina's Fireblast is a spell and to lump it into "this minion can't be targeted by spells" would be incorrect as well, because it does not count as a spell for other cards that have triggers that have synergy with card-based spells (such as the Gadgetzan Auctioneer). It is simply easier and shorter to say that it cannot be targeted by spells and hero powers.

Immune to AOE, no. AOE's don't target, and the Faerie Dragon isn't immune to spell damage. He just can't be directly targeted by spells, such as Fireball

Battlecry effects can still target Faerie Dragon, so he can be hit by things like Perdition's Blade, Elven Archer, Stormpike Commando, etc. Battlecry effects are not considered spells, for a similar reason why Hero Powers are not spells.

來源: 官網
