暴雪資深電競經理Kim Phan:
1) 上市後將會有觀戰模式, 傳統的coming s∞n...
2) 爐石戰記iPad/PC版本預計美國夏天上市
We have a full list of features that we would love to see from an esports point of view. Really we are trying to figure out what people want the most and what is really high on the list right now is spectator mode, so, an observer mode. I think that is pretty important. In an interview I believe recently with Eric Dodds and [Ben Brode] they've said that that is not going to come out like when the game officially goes out of beta or launches but it is very high on that list. So that is a feature that you will see very shortly after the game has launched.
來源: Stretch@hearthstone-live.com
來源: ESL TV@Youtube
推 VacuumLife :終於要有ipad版了嗎?! 02/16 14:13
推 Coshower :看到Kim還以為是DavidKim 差點噓了下去 02/16 14:14
→ zsp7009 :我以為是Kim Jong Un.. 02/16 14:19
推 alan790712 :android呢? 難道要買iPad了 02/16 14:21
推 bye2007 :我還以為是 Kim Kap Hwan (誤) 02/16 14:24
推 cloudwin :現在不就是PC版本了? 02/16 14:39
推 g1409 :早該有觀戰和replay模式了吧???? 02/16 14:41
推 a167427 :美國夏天也太久=_= 02/16 14:55
推 Arnol :終於== 02/16 14:59
推 grimmi :哪年的夏天呢:D 敬請期待 02/16 15:06
推 softseaweed :永無止境的八月 02/16 15:12
噓 scottshai :出來都說這些無意義的廢話 爛爆雪 02/16 15:20
→ detective14r:3月有ros,怎麼可能hs還出來打對台 02/16 15:23
推 hotcom :OB+++++ 02/16 15:41
推 onininon :美國的夏天 好有氣氛 sooooooooooooooooooooooooon 02/16 15:43
噓 onlySN :影片最好有說會有觀戰模式 亂散播謠言是怎樣? 02/16 16:03
推 GG3be0 :影片明明有講 從10分2秒開始 Really we are trying 02/16 16:23
→ GG3be0 :to figure out what people want the most and what 02/16 16:23
→ GG3be0 :is really high on the list right now is spectator 02/16 16:23
→ GG3be0 :mode so...an observer mode 後略 不懂英文不要裝ok? 02/16 16:24
推 omanorboyo :年底看有沒有機會.... 02/16 16:44
推 RainbowDash :神打臉XDD 02/16 16:50
推 g4895888 :哪一年的夏天呢 02/16 16:55
推 mapDog :臉好腫 還散播謠言勒@@ 想不到統神英文蠻好的 02/16 16:56
噓 AKARA :好久喔 02/16 17:07
推 KD00840013 :我需要更多的新卡片, 02/16 17:07
→ Aggro :希望有好友競技場對戰或是高級電腦可以對打 02/16 17:08
推 momocom :onlySN踹共 02/16 17:15
推 WeiTitan :only是桶神? 02/16 17:49
噓 snbftmb :暴雪許諾的時間有準過嗎? 02/16 17:57
噓 Hengle :暴雪的人周休六日 02/16 18:41
噓 onlySN :你們真的假的?只有提到observer mode在他們的list上 02/16 19:03
→ onlySN :哪裡有說確定會推出?怎麼一堆沒在看影片的也在起舞 02/16 19:03
→ onlySN :玩家最想要的是觀察模式 跟 會推出此模式 是一樣的嗎 02/16 19:05
→ onlySN :還後略勒 我幫你補 Eric Dotts and Ben, they said 02/16 19:14
→ onlySN :that it's not gonna come out like when the game 02/16 19:14
→ onlySN :officially out of beta or launches but it's very 02/16 19:15
→ onlySN :high on the list. 這樣叫做確定會有觀戰模式? 02/16 19:15
→ onlySN :GG3be0幫我糾正一下喔洩洩 02/16 19:15
推 GG3be0 :你翻譯好久 很辛苦喔 從9:20開始看 被問到會有的功能 02/16 19:21
→ GG3be0 :中 他提到了觀戰功能將是在優先名單中 這就是原po所 02/16 19:22
→ GG3be0 :提到的點 9:20看到10:30左右 你一口咬定"哪有提到"還 02/16 19:23
→ GG3be0 :說別人散播謠言我看你根本是不懂英文在那邊亂 02/16 19:24
→ onlySN :你根本搞錯重點了吧 請回答 哪一句說了"上市後會有觀 02/16 19:24
→ onlySN :察者模式"?明明只是回應是在list上有說上市後就會有? 02/16 19:25
→ onlySN :這種英文國高中程度就聽得懂了還需要在那邊講英不英 02/16 19:26
→ onlySN :文?好像聽得懂就很強一樣 超幼稚的科科 02/16 19:27
So that is a feature that you will see very shortly after the game has launched.
※ 編輯: yufung 來自: (02/16 19:42)
推 GG3be0 :你要凹多久 時間都給你了 你還不看 就算聽不懂影片 02/16 19:41
→ GG3be0 :網址給的節錄出來的文也該看的懂吧 寫的就是上市後會 02/16 19:41
→ GG3be0 :有觀戰模式 02/16 19:42
推 mapDog :打臉打好用力 某o跳針跳不停喔 02/16 19:43